
Gun Rights Essay That Will Change Your POV

Hey, everyone!  I know it's been FOREVER since I've written a post, but I'm wanting to change that!  I've been so wrapped up in life lately! I've had to switch jobs, I got married, I moved, got two new cats, and SO MUCH MORE!  I've also been trying to start my own business, which is going slow, but picking up some with the holiday season. I am hoping to go to Chicon this year and make a full and FANTASTIC blog!  Until then, here is an essay that I wrote a few years ago about American's rights to bear arms.  I think that, with America's current state of mind, this is an important essay for anyone to read. Leave a comment, let me know what you think, and please share!!!!!         Why You Should Fight for Your Right to Own Guns "Iron rusts from disuse....Even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind."                                              - Leonardo Da Vinci, The Notebooks, 1519 Anna C. Roma
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